Vol 8, No. 1(37), 2010

Table of Contents

1. Possibilities to exchange geographic information between MRDB and selected resources of the public administration
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Robert Olszewski 7-15
2. New dimension of planning of city services systems due to geocoding, address databases and new sources of data
Jadwiga Brzuchowska 17-21
3. Implemented of network services in the geoportal.gov.pl project
Dariusz Cieśla, Robert Widz, Marek Brylski 23-35
4. Analysis of the education process within the subject geomatics of the Post-Graduate Studies in Digital Geodesy at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Adam Doskocz, Elżbieta Lewandowicz 37-45
5. A proposal to reform the Technical Guidelines G-3.4 incorporating new measurement technologies
Piotr Falkowski, Zenon Parzyński, Jacek Uchański 47-62
6. Overcoming obstacles to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive
Adam Iwaniak, Tomasz Kubik, Paweł Netzel, Witold Paluszyński 63-72
7. MSc curriculum in GIScience - an example from Croatia
Jacek Kozak, Damir Medak, Adrijana Car 73-77
8. Guidelines for terrain mapping in GIS and GPS technologies with the use of VMap L2
Beata Medyńska-Gulij 79-84
9. Remarks on the geoinformations related to spatial development of the country
Bogdan Ney, Elżbieta Kozubek, Anna Wrochna 85-88
10. Integration of thematic and reference databases within creation of the Spatial Information Infrastructure in Poland
Robert Olszewski, Renata Graf, Andrzej Macias, Arkadiusz Kołodziej, Tomasz Berus 89-98
11. A concept of the NATURE-SDIplus thematic geoportal in the context of implementation of the INSPIRE Directive provisions
Robert Olszewski, Stanisława Mogiłło-Suchowera, Marek Brylski, Alina Kmiecik 99-110
12. A comparative analysis of Polish and FIG cadastre models
Zenon Parzyński, Witold Radzio 111-124
13. SOA architecture and interoperability of spatial Web Services - usage in geodetic and cartographic data maintenance processes
Robert Widz, Dariusz Cieśla, Marek Brylski 125-130
14. Basic role of geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing and geomatics in creating spatial information infrastructure for description of terrain configuration
Jerzy Wysocki 131-139