Vol 5, No. 1, 2007

Table of Contents

1. An attempt at building GIS application on the basis of the conceptual model
Agnieszka Chojka, Agnieszka Iżykowska, Agnieszka Zwirowicz 7-13
2. Geographical information systems in search and rescue planning - capabilities and prospects of development
Agnieszka Chojka, Agnieszka Iżykowska, Marek Piotrowski, Jerzy Pyrchla, Agnieszka Zwirowicz 15-22
3. Test results of the DEMETER 2000 programme in the DGNSS /GIS laboratories of the PWSZ in Chelm
Andrzej Fellner, Paweł Trómiński, Józef Zając 23-33
4. Harmonization of reference databases - an indispensible step in building national spatial data infrastructure
Dariusz Gotlib, Adam Iwaniak, Robert Olszewski 35-38
5. Building of spatial data infrastructure on county level
Adam Iwaniak, Adam Śliwiński, Maciej Tobjasz 39-46
6. Using free software for SDI implementation
Adam Iwaniak, Adam Śliwiński 47-51
7. Complex accessibility measures of ICT networks
Elżbieta Kozubek, Piotr Werner 53-62
8. Comparison of object-oriented classification to traditional pixel-based classification with reference to automation of the process of land cover and land use data base creation
Stanisław Lewiński 63-70
9. The methods of spatial analysis for precipitation fields in Europe
Ewa Łupikasza 71-80
10. Environmental spatial database integration - challenge for the whole environmental trade?
Tomasz Nałęcz 81-89
11. Spatial analyses with the use geostatistical methods. Case study: 3D modelling of Rio Blanco porphyritic copper deposit in Peru
Barbara Namysłowska-Wilczyńska 91-104
12. Developing coastal erosion effects scenarios near Trzesacz village in next 100 years with the use of geoinformatics
Igor Szakowski, Rafał Benedyczak 105-111
13. METAGE WebGIS - UMN MapServer in visualisation of the results of sceintific research
Rafał Wawer 113-118