Vol 14, No. 4(74), 2016

Table of Contents

1. Using of geospatial national registers in GIS environment for identification of social and environmental conflicts caused by opencast exploitation of solid raw materials
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Justyna Górniak-Zimroz, Katarzyna Pactwa 413-426
2. Shadow modelling in urban areas
Michał Brach, Joanna Stępniak 427-435
3. Influence of spatial data quality on modelling of water circulation in the Parsęta drainage basin
Joanna Gudowicz 437-446
4. Identification of the society's profile and students interests changes based on 10 years of activity of KNGK Geoinformatyka
Mateusz Jabłoński, Artur Krawczyk, Agnieszka Ochałek 337-454
5. New method of development of the artificial water reservoir bottom map on the basis of archival cartographic materials
Marcin Jaskulski, Aleksander Szmidt, Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska, Maciej Jaskulski 455-464
6. Application of ALS data in interpretation of past and contemporary land use forms using the example of Grojec hill
Witold Jucha, Anna Marszałek 465-476
7. GeoAzbest – web service dedicated to monitoring of asbestos removal process
Małgorzata Krówczyńska, Ewa Wilk 477-486
8. Processing and visualization of neighbourhood cadastral data notations in the graph structures
Przemysław Lisowski, Elżbieta Lewandowicz 487-496
9. Comparison of public involvement of selected european countries in VGI creation
Sylwia Marczak 497-510
10. Factors influencing ground point density from Airborne Laser Scanning - a case study with ISOK Project data
Mateusz Maślanka 511-519
11. Preliminary results of grassland habitats classification in terms of moisture conditions in the area of Belchatow lignite mine using zonal statistics and satellite imageries
Karol Przeździecki, Jarosław Zawadzki, Zygmunt Miatkowski 521-529