Vol 5, No. 2, 2007

Table of Contents

1. Open standards in geomatics
Jerzy Gaździcki 7-9
2. Open software and open data in geomatics
Janusz Michalak 11-20
3. Conversion of the first edition of VMap L2 database to a usable structure
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Arkadiusz Kołodziej, Paweł Kowalski, Robert Olszewski 21-28
4. A concept of harmonization of “SOZO” and “HYDRO” thematic databases with the second edition of VMap L2 reference database
Tomasz Berus, Arkadiusz Kołodziej, Robert Olszewski 29-38
5. The modeling of spatial information systems with the use of Generalized Class of Objects
Edward Kołodziński, Grzegorz Betliński 39-49
6. Efficiency analysis of creation of GIS application programs in GEOBA environment
Edward Kołodziński, Ireneusz Wyglądała 51-63
7. Spatial analysis of rural road network: the case of Mielnica water course basin
Eugeniusz Nowocień, Rafał Wawer 65-72
8. Properties of Cassini-Soldner projection of the whole ellipsoid
Paweł Pędzich 73-84
9. Application of Chrobak`s linie simplification method in remote sensing
Maria Żukowska, Krystian Kozioł 85-93