Vol 9, No. 1(45), 2011

Table of Contents

1. What is beyond digital earth?
Francis Harvey, Jacek Kozak 7-18
2. Description of the cartographic modeling process in official reference data bases in Poland
Maria Andrzejewska, Bartłomiej Bielawski, Andrzej Głażewski, Dariusz Gotlib, Paweł Kowalski, Robert Olszewski, Wiesław Ostrowski 19-32
3. Examination of DynaGen and Clarity systems usability in generalization of settlements and road networks in the General Geographic Database
Izabela Karsznia 33-48
4. Comparison of selected simplification algorithms on the example of a representative test area
Krystian Kozioł 49-57
5. Building of application schema for transfer of utility networks databases
Joanna Kuczyńska 59-64
6. Spatial inventory of heathlands in Pomerania
Mieczysław Kunz, Andrzej Nienartowicz 65-74
7. Supporting decisions to optimise development of marginal rural areas
Małgorzata Leszczyńska 75-86
8. Project of regional spatial information node for the functional area of Wroclaw based on free software
Przemysław Malczewski, Adam Iwaniak, Jan Blachowski 87-92
9. Concept of a common database for cross-border areas of germany and poland at the level of detail 1:10 000
Zenon Parzyński, Jacek Uchański, Jerzy Zieliński 93-101
10. Environmental GIS as an element securing operational activities in coastal zone
Jerzy Pyrchla, Marek Przyborski 103-113
11. Merging ECDIS and GIS systems in ports
Jerzy Pyrchla, Marek Przyborski 115-119
12. Method for evaluation of ground water pollution potential under arable land
Janina Rudowicz-Nawrocka 121-130
13. Interoperability of GIS systems connected with implementation of geological data exchange standard GeoSciML - a sample of its applications in geology
Urszula Stępień, Marcin Słodkowski, Anna Tekielska 131-136
14. Comparison of possibilities to publish cartographic products on the web with the use of SLD SE FE and Google API standards
Emilia Woźniak, Adam Iwaniak 137-148