Vol 7, No. 3, 2009

Table of Contents

1. Tertiary studies in geoinformation aspects of modernization in Poland
Jerzy Gaździcki 7-12 13-18
2. From surveying and mapping to geomatics challenges and opportunities
George Zarzycki 19-21 23-25
3. Geoinformatics education offered by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication, and Informatics at the Gdansk University of Technology
Andrzej Stepnowski, Marek Moszyński 27-35
4. Problems connected with education in the area of geoinformation for forestry students
Heronim Olenderek, Tomasz Olenderek 37-43
5. Modernizing education in geodesy and cartography at technical universities
Konrad Eckes 45-56
6. Education in the field of geographic information science and technology in geography curricula in Poland
Jacek Kozak, Piotr Werner, Zbigniew Zwoliński 57-73
7. Geoinformation education for students of mining and geology
Jan Blachowski, Józef Woźniak 75-85
8. Condition and the conception of education in the field of geoinformation science in geological studies
Janusz Michalak 87-96
9. Geoinformation in study programmes connected with spatial management
Dariusz Korpetta 97-101
10. Building infrastructures of spatial information: a suggested education programme
Agnieszka Chojka, Wojciech Pachelski, Zenon Parzyński, Agnieszka Zwirowicz 103-116
11. Education in mining geomatics
Artur Krawczyk 117-124
12. Concept of study programmes in geoinformation
Andrzej Stateczny 125-134
13. Opinie na temat koncepcji utworzenia kierunku studiów w dziedzinie geoinformacji
Jerzy Gaździcki 135-158