Vol 6, No. 8, 2008

Table of Contents

1. Geomatics in forestry - an attempt to evaluate of the state of art and prospects
Heronim Olenderek 9-15
2. Today and tomorrow of the Internet as the source of spatial information
Joanna Adamczyk 17-28
3. The application of aerial photographs to management planning of the Milicz Forest District
Janusz Bańkowski, Stanisław Miścicki 29-40
4. Photogrammetric measurement of trees' heights using DMC digital camera images
Krzysztof Będkowski 41-48
5. Digital terrain model of forested area based on laser scanning data and its accuracy
Krzysztof Będkowski, Michał Brach, Krzysztof Stereńczak 49-53
6. Spatial distribution of laser scanner last echoe reflection points and selected characteristics of forest stands
Krzysztof Będkowski, Krzysztof Stereńczak 55-60
7. Contemporary surveying capability in forestry environment
Michał Brach 61-70
8. Monitoring of deforestation in Kumasi Area (Ghana) by satellite based multi-temporal land use analysis
Addo Koranteng, Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki 71-80
9. Factors defining inventory needs in State Forests
Jerzy Mozgawa, Krzysztof Będkowski, Paweł Strzeliński 81-91
10. Potential fields of application of remote sensing in the State Forests and organizational forms favouring these applications
Jerzy Mozgawa, Krzysztof Będkowski, Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki 93-98
11. Optimization of spatial analysis: the case of spatial relations in the part of ecological corridor of the Bug river
Paweł Sypuła, Joanna Adamczyk 99-108
12. Postex precision positioning of tree trunks on circular inventory plots using the PosTex device
Piotr Wężyk, Radosław Sroga, Piotr Szwed 109-118