Vol 6, No. 3, 2008

Table of Contents

1. Geoinformation in spatial planning
Jerzy Gaździcki, Krystian Pyka 7-12 13-18
2. Implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland: the current state, problems and challenges
Jerzy Gaździcki 21-30
3. Reshaping of geographical space and urban development: the case of Cracow
Kazimierz Bujakowski, Agnieszka Czerwińska, Renata Filip, Jan Barański, Andrzej Nowicki 33-40
4. Geoinformation in evaluating, monitoring and forecasting changes for spatial development
Zygmunt Ziobrowski, Aleksander Böhm 41-45
5. Geoinformation systems as a support for simulation and optimization of transportation systems and spatial arrangement
Jadwiga Brzuchowska, Tomasz Ossowicz 47-56
6. GIS and the national spatial organisation policy
Sławomir Anusz 59-66
7. Experiences concerning application of computer technology to support realization of local administration tasks related with the instrument of local spatial development plan on the example of the city of Wroclaw
Jadwiga Brzuchowska 69-78
8. Experience in application of CAD and GIS systems to support spatial planning: the case of Cracow
Jadwiga Reczek-Płudowska 79-85
9. Information technology as a tool of public participation in the spatial planning
Małgorzata Hanzl 87-99
10. Surveying data and spatial planning
Kazimierz Bujakowski, Maria Kolińska, Andrzej Karpierz 103-109
11. Possibilities of using Topographical Databases in spatial management
Joanna Bac-Bronowicz, Teresa Dzikowska 111-121
12. Land cover inventory and monitoring in Europe: the first product of GMES fast track service
Elżbieta Bielecka 125-130
13. Land-use / land cover monitoring based on multitemporal remote sensing images
Wojciech Drzewiecki 131-142