Assessment of the what3words addressing system

Jan Burdziej
ORCID: 0000-0001-6740-0525
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Faculty of Earth Sciences
Department of Geomatics and Cartography

Barbara Skorupka
ORCID: 0000-0001-6242-8967
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Faculty of Earth Sciences
Department of Geomatics and Cartography


Despite the huge technological advancements, locating and finding the specific places may still be a problem. The use of existing location systems – geographical coordinates or postal addresses – is often problematic. An incorrectly adopted coordinate system, error in writing numbers, incorrect hemispheres, or too much rounding – all of these cases can result in incorrect positioning. Also, the location expressed as the postal address is not always accurate enough. Ambiguous or incorrectly typed addresses, duplicated street names, places with no addresses at all – are just a few of the reasons why mails and parcels may not reach the addressee. The what3words system is an attempt to solve some of these addressing problems. This is a global grid of 3x3 m squares, each of which is described by a combination of three words. The main aim of this paper is a short description of the what3words addressing system, analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, and evaluation of its applicability. Based on the online survey, an empirical assessment of the effectiveness of this system was made compared to traditional location methods. The evaluation included easiness and efficiency of memorizing the location specified by coordinates, postal addresses and what3words addresses.

Received 6.09.2017 Accepted 11.12.2017 Published 15.02.2018


what3words; geographic coordinates; postal addresses; location

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