Vol 6, No. 6, 2008

Table of Contents

1. Identification of spatial data resources for water management in the context of planning needs
Małgorzata Barszczyńska, Elżbieta Łasut, Tomasz Walczykiewicz 7-14
2. Protected areas in monitoring of spatial development of the country
Zdzisław Cichocki, Małgorzata Bidłasik 15-23
3. Methods of designing simple and complex temporal cartographic animations
Dariusz Dukaczewski 25-46
4. Legislative and organisational solutions for NSDI in EU and EEA countries
Dariusz Dukaczewski 47-65
5. Integration of Polish wetlands and peatlands databases and their conversion into “GIS Mokradła” system
Zuzanna Oświecimska-Piasko, Hubert Piórkowski, Janusz Ostrowski 67-75
6. Development of “GIS Mokradła” database on the basis of peatlands stratigraphy documentation
Marek Rycharski, Hubert Piórkowski, Janusz Ostrowski, Zuzanna Oświecimska-Piasko 77-88
7. Modelling of agricultural land use changes for Podlaskie Region case study
Tomasz Stuczyński, Przemysław Czaban, Monika Kowalik, Artur Łopatka 89-99