Time accessibility of selected airports in Poland and in border areas

Łukasz Gładysz
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Marta Kuźma
ORCID: 0000-0002-9798-1567
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Albina Mościcka
ORCID: 0000-0003-4673-3720
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


The aim of this paper is to present the research on time accessibility of Polish airports. In the research 15 Polish airports, as well as the selected airports of the Schengen Area, located near the Polish borders were also taken into account. Not only main, important airports, as Warsaw, Gdańsk, Kraków or Poznań were considered. Very small airports, like Lublin or Radom, were also included into research due to the rapid development of their connections and the role they play in ensuring smooth connections with major airports. Additionally, 16 airports from the neighbouring Schengen countries have also been analyzed. According to the EU standards, it is assumed that the maximum time travel, which determines the time accessibility of a regional airport, equals to 90 minutes. Considering road conditions and the frequency of rail services in Poland, the time accessibility of transport should be increased to at least 120 minutes.
As the result of the research the airports availability maps in two different cases have been created. The first map presents the time availability of the Polish airports. The second map shows the time availability of the Polish airports together with airports located in neighbouring countries - in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania. The results are compared and analysed in details to show the areas from which travel to the Polish airports is longer than to the airports located in other Schengen countries.
The results of the research allow to present people interested in the air transport how fast they can reach the nearest airport from any place in Poland. Moreover, this gives the opportunity to choose whether to go to a Polish or a foreign airport. Developed maps can be used for analyses of the Polish aviation. Presented results and conclusions can be used for the Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Poland, public administration, to manage the transport infrastructure, as well as by potential passengers.

Received 27.07.2017 Accepted 16.04.2018 Published 15.05.2018


travel time; IDW method; time accessibility; transport accessibility

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