Analysis of possibilities to increase the accessibility of WMS services from cadastral databases

Waldemar Izdebski
ORCID: 0000-0003-3087-9936
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Astronomy and Geodesy Observatory


Cadastral parcels are the basic reference data for presentation of various objects stored in spatial databases. The easy accessibility of cadastral parcels data (mainly geometric) is the most important issue for most people and institutions using the Spatial Information Infrastructure. As it is evident from the analysis (Izdebski, 2017), only about 30% of districts provide WMS services, which have been included into the aggregated (cascaded) EwidencjaKIIP service maintained by GUGiK. Such a small number of districts in the EwidencjaKIIP service has become the basis for examining the opportunities to increase the number of district services that can be included into the aggregated service. Since the EwidencjaKIIP could not have been affected by the author, the National Integration of the Land Register (Krajowa Integracja Ewidencji Gruntów - KIEG) was created, consisting of all available WMS district services that meet technical conditions for inclusion. As a result of tests it was found that, comparing to the existing GUGiK service, the number of included district services was increased by 85, what means the increase by almost 70%. Additionally, it turned out that the new service is significantly faster than the old one.

Received 29.09.2017 Accepted 23.11.2017 Published 30.12.2017


network services; WMS; spatial data infrastructure; Land and Buildings Cadastre in Poland

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