Spatial information in Poland – theory and practice

Waldemar Izdebski
ORCID: 0000-0003-3087-9936
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Astronomy and Geodesy Observatory


Spatial information accompanies many fields of human activity since the dawn of history, and now its importance is growing rapidly thanks to today's ease of acquisition and processing of spatial data. The Spatial Information Infrastructure Act began the process of organizing spatial data collected in state registers and implementation of the principles of interoperability of these registers in order to satisfy the information needs of the society. An important role in the whole set of spatial data is played by the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource which has been run for several decades; some traditions, laws and other conditions are associated with this Resource. In this paper the author, based on many years of experience from numerous implementations, discusses significant differences between the theoretical approach to the subject of spatial information included in laws and all kinds of statements and reports, and the present state of affairs encountered by citizens during the administrative formalities. At the end, the minimum but necessary actions that can have positive effects on the status quo, are discussed.

Received 28.11.2016 Accepted 29.04.2017 Published 30.06.2017


spatial data; base map; network services

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