Determining the conceptual resolution of selected components of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure

Bartłomiej Bielawski
ORCID: 0000-0002-9904-5916
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


This paper presents the results of the evaluation of conceptual resolution for selected components of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Six components were used for research: the database of topographic objects at the reference scale 1:500 (BDOT500), the addresses database (EMUiA), the utilities database (GESUT), the cadastre database (EGIB), the register of boundaries (PRG) and the geodetic reference points database (OSNOWY). The measurement of conceptual resolution was carried out with the use of some dedicated application that was created especially for this task, based on the author’s idea. Fundamental principles of this method were presented in the previous paper.
Among the subjects of investigation, the highest conceptual resolution has the cadastre database (EGIB). Components with the lowest level of conceptual resolution are the register of borders (PRG) and the addresses database (EMUiA).
Regardless of the results, a very important conclusion from the testing is to demonstrate the possibility of automatic evaluation of conceptual schemes resolution created in accordance with the ISO 19100 series of standards.

Received 31.01.2017 Accepted 3.03.2017 Published 30.06.2017


application schema; atomic property; conceptual resolution

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