On the way to harmonization – structural properties of topographic object models used in reference databases

Andrzej Głażewski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


An important element of spatial data harmonization is comparison and verification of applied models – with reference to the topological structures and the spatial relationships between objects. The Polish reference databases of various levels of generalisation and destination have been investigated. They were: topographical databases on two levels of generalization: BDOT500 and BDOT10k, the geographical data base (BDOO) and the Vector Smart Map Level 2 in the modified structure (VMapL2u). From the topological perspective the assumed modelling rules of topographical objects are the basic indicators of their topological structure Typical data structures, such as planar and non-planar graphs and partition structure (eg. GT-polygons) are often applied in models of topographical objects. Their features may influence the correctness of modelling the topographical phenomena. The technical documentation of considered data bases as well as the INSPIRE standardization documents were used during the project implementation. Studies have been restrained to three categories of features: the road network, the hydrographic network and the land cover, modelled in large number of feature classes. Spatial relationships between objects in these feature classes, considering types of its geometric representations, were also reviewed. Several directions have been shown for the future works on topological and structural harmonization of considered data bases.


data harmonization; topological structures; line network; graph

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