Application of multi-criteria analysis in GIS for optimal planning of house development areas. Case study of Wroclaw Functional Area

Jan Blachowski
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
Geodesy and Geoinformatics Division

Wiktoria Rybakiewicz
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Witold Warczewski
Dolnoslaskie Voivodeship Marshal Office
Institute for Territorial Development

Przemysław Malczewski
Dolnoslaskie Voivodeship Marshal Office
Institute for Territorial Development


The paper presents the methodology of planning house development areas and discusses results of works related to identification of the optimum areas for such development, performed using the example of the Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF) in Dolnoslaskie Province.
For the needs of the analyses of the land suitability for housing development, performed from the perspective of the rational planner, the multicriteria analysis in geographic information systems (GIS) was proposed. The applied methodology includes identification and determination of criteria and subcriteria weight which determine the optimum location of housing areas and the double weighted total of maps representing the analysed criteria in space. The basic, considered criteria included: the transportation infrastructure, the technical infrastructure, public services, commercial services and the existing housing areas. A set of subcriteria which determine location of development sites were defined in each group. The basic criteria, subcriteria and their significance were determined as a result of the questionnaire among the group of experts (in spatial planning, public administration, science, nature) with the use of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) The two-stag, weighted, summing of subcriteria and criteria was performed, areas which limited or which did not allow for locating housing areas were eliminated and then the analysis of results and the preliminary evaluation of the spatial coherence of determined and real locations of areas planned for housing development was performed using the local planning documentation. The proposed approach - by means of standardisation and quantification of factors which influence the locations of investments - allows to minimise the subjective intentions of a planner and it supports planners through presentation and visualisation of real spatial conditions of investments.


multi-criteria analysis; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); spatial planning; house development

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