Preliminary results of grassland habitats classification in terms of moisture conditions in the area of Belchatow lignite mine using zonal statistics and satellite imageries

Karol Przeździecki
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering
Department of Informatics and Environmental Quality Research

Jarosław Zawadzki
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Environmental Engineering
Department of Informatics and Environmental Quality Research

Zygmunt Miatkowski
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty


Mineral extraction in open-cast mines entails the necessity of dewatering mineral deposits. As a result of operations of a drainage system over a large area a depression cone of groundwater is formed which adversely affects the environment. Lowering of the groundwater table results in environmental changes which frequently could be irreversible. This situation is particularly evident in the case of hydrogenic habitats which by their nature are dependent on water. The range of the depression cone determined by measuring in piezometric wells does not always provide information on its actual impact on plant communities. This is caused by the high influence of the rooting depth of plants.
The authors present a methodology for the classification of grassland areas in terms of moisture conditions and obtained preliminary results from the Szczercowska Valley influenced by the drainage system of the lignite mine GiEK PGE SA O / KWB Bełchatów. The analysis were made on the basis of Landsat 7 ETM+ images. The most important part of the described methods is the, so-called, triangle method which is used to calculate TVDI (ang. Temperature-dryness Vegetation Index) and zonal statistics. Corine Land Cover 2006 data was used as a source of land cover data.
The results obtained by means of remote sensing methods were compared with the data describing the range of the influence of the depression cone obtained from field measurements performed by experts from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Research Centre of the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty. The results are promising and they coincide with the impact range of the depression cone established by field measurements. This allows to use the described methodology for systematic and inexpensive classification of grassland habitats in the studied area.


grassland habitats; moisture conditions; triangle method; remote sensing; moisture conditions classification

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