GeoAzbest – web service dedicated to monitoring of asbestos removal process

Małgorzata Krówczyńska
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing

WGS84 Polska Sp. z o.o.

Ewa Wilk
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing

WGS84 Polska Sp. z o.o


The Web application, which allows and facilitates conducting the process of monitoring of removal of asbestos-containing products in Poland is characterised in the paper. The application called „GeoAzbest” is a tool developed for the Ministry of Development in order to enable implementation of tasks in the „Programme for Asbestos Abatement in Poland”. GeoAzbest has been designed and prepared for four types of users, i.e.. the Chief Coordinator of the „Programme for Asbestos Abatement in Poland", for province marshals, communes and all parties interested in asbestos issues. Open standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as the database system PostgreSQL and PostGIS, and GeoServer as a map server were used in the GeoAzbest development. The aim was to combine descriptive data stored in the asbestos database with geospatial data derived from other registers for the presentation of asbestos issues to a wide audience. Moreover, those who are involved in the process of monitoring of asbestos quantities and removal in communes and province marshal offices have been equipped with the tool to control and verify the data they receive from all asbestos users, in accordance with the legal regulations in force.


asbestos geoservice; database; asbestos removal; geospatial analysis; web application

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