New method of development of the artificial water reservoir bottom map on the basis of archival cartographic materials

Marcin Jaskulski
University of Lodz
Faculty of Geographical Sciences

Aleksander Szmidt
University of Lodz
Faculty of Geographical Sciences

Aleksandra Ziemińska-Stolarska
Lodz University of Technology
Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering

Maciej Jaskulski
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Department of Thermal Process Engineering


This article presents a method of generation of the digital elevation model, which is the base for further development of a map that shows the shape of the bottom of the artificial water reservoir. The presented methodology was elaborated using the example of the Sulejów Reservoir in Central Poland. Elevation data for this map was mainly obtained as a result of interpolation of all available direct and indirect information derived from archive cartographic materials. Additional information was also obtained from sonar altitude profiles attached to the reservoir hydrological documentation. In the first case elevation data was compiled from contours on topographic maps at the scale of 1:10000 (reservoir documentation) and from additional information resulting from the analysis of distribution and types of geomorphological forms. The second objective was to determine spatial locations of sonar data based on the previously obtained digital elevation model. As the final result of data merging and data interpretation the bathymetric map of the Sulejow Reservoir was created.


lake bathymetry; digital elevation model; elevation data interpretation

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