Methodological aspects of developing CityGML application domain extension illustrated with the example of the base map

Katarzyna Góźdź
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


The main objective of this article is to analyse methodological aspects of developing CityGML Application Domain Extension illustrated with the example of the base map. The paper discusses an attempt to present a conceptual model of 3D data with the use of integration mechanisms of CityGML schema with conceptual schemas of the national spatial databases, on the basis of which the base map is created.
The process of developing CityGML ADE consisted of four stages: (1) description of the CityGML model in UML, (2) identification of relationships between CityGML object classes and object classes of the national models of spatial data, (3) development of CityGML ADE in UML, (4) transformation of application schema from UML to GML.
The conducted researches have indicated that the CityGML Application Domain Extension can serve as a pattern for describing formalised description of 3D data, allowing clear understanding of the data structures and their consistent implementation in different environments, using various IT tools.
Referring to the thematic scope of the base map, the postulate of supplementing the next version of CityGML OGC Specification with the "Utilities" Module containing object classes which represent the devices and network utilities, should be formulated.
Moreover, the successful execution of all stages of creating ADE CityGML and obtained results of test work have confirmed that methodology illustrated in the paper (based on generating the conceptual model as an extension of CityGML) allows to develop the correct application schema for 3D data structures of the base map in three dimensions.


CityGML; 3D data; base map; conceptual modelling; CityGML application domain extension

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