GIS education with the use of natural cognitive processes

Konrad Eckes
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


The main aim of this article was to discuss a process of searching for effective methods of teaching GIS. Attempts to find possible connections between the human perception of the real world and the structure and methods of GIS have been presented in the paper.. In the author's opinion - such connections exist. The article is to demonstrate that natural cognitive processes may be applied to teach spatial information systems.
The article shows that the GIS structure and tools are not an abstract creature, not connected with the surrounding reality. On the contrary - in many cases GIS procedures and tools have their analogies in everyday experience. The use of these analogies and associations can contribute to improving the quality and effectiveness of education.
Theoretical assumptions presented in the article have found their practical application. The author presents his original GIS teaching method symbolically called "coming out from shadows". This method is intended to be used to teach GIS at the elementary and intermediate levels. This is particularly important at present, when much attention is paid to the wide popularisation of teaching GIS in many technical, natural and economic fields, in order to allow wide groups of users to apply this method of description of the real space.


GIS education; experiential learning; cognitive processes; perception of real space

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