Description of spatial distribution of detailed horizontal geodetic control points

Elżbieta Bielecka
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Krzysztof Pokonieczny
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Paweł Kamiński
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


This article aims to assess the degree of densification of geodetic control points of detailed horizontal network as well as to analyse which geodetic points are located in close proximity to roads, railway tracks and power lines. Location in proximity to the transportation network and energy supply facilities can disrupt satellite signals, and may hamper the modernisation of geodetic control using GNSS techniques. The distance of 100 m was assumed as the close proximity; it depends on the accuracy of land use data used for the analysis (VmapL2). The results are related to geodetic sections, the smallest administration-geodetic units. To evaluate the spatial distribution of geodetic control points local Moran I Index was used. The study shows that the number of control points depends on land use, and the highest density of geodetic points occurs in urban areas. Irrespectively of land use, about 70% of the control points are located no further than 100 meters from roads. Analysis of local spatial autocorrelation enabled the separation of a few small clusters of geodetic sections both with similar, as well as extremely different values of geodetic control points densification. The study was conducted for the Łosice county, located in the eastern part of Mazowieckie voivodeship.


detailed horizontal geodetic network; geodetic section; spatial autocorrelation; Moran Index

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