Contemporary problems of maintaining the base map in Poland

Waldemar Izdebski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy


The base map in Poland has been maintained for more than 35 years. Methods and means used for creating the base map were always adequate to available technical means. From the beginning, the base map was the most faithful as to the content, and the most accurate as to the location of the reality model used mainly for official purposes as an aid in the design and realization of investments. Current regulations related to the implementation of the INSPIRE directive, make a lot of changes in the functioning of the base map. However, these changes are not always beneficial. On the basis of long personal experiences related to the automation of maintaining the base map in many geodetic and cartographic documentation centres (PODGiK) the author presents his observations of problems encountered during implementation of new regulations in the functioning of the base map.


spatial data; base map; cartographic editing; map scale

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Bielecka E., Izdebski W., 2014: Od danych do informacji – teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty funkcjonowania mapy zasadniczej . Roczniki Geomatyki t. 12, z. 2 (64): 175-184, PTIP Warszawa.

Instrukcja K-1. 1979. Instrukcja techniczna K-1. GUGiK.

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Izdebski W., 2014a: Dobre praktyki udziału gmin i powiatów w tworzeniu infrastruktury danych przestrzennych w Polsce.

Izdebski W., 2014b: Internetowe zgłaszanie prac geodezyjnych w technologii iGeoMap/ePODGiK w świetele nowych regulacji prawnych. Magazyn Geoinformacyjny GEODETA nr 9:10-12.

Izdebski W., 2014c: Analiza projektów nowych rozporządzeń ws. bazy danych ewidencji sieci uzbrojenia terenu oraz ws. bazy danych obiektów topograficznych i mapy zasadniczej. Magazyn Geoinformacyjny GEODETA nr 12: 10-15.