Using GIS spatial analysis in regional management of mineral raw materials: the case of Dolnoslaskie Voivodeship

Jan Blachowski
Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatic


The increasing functionality of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in analysis and modeling of spatial problems and availability of spatial data and GIS applications nowadays allow to facilitate and solve complex tasks related to many aspects of public administration activity. The resulting information is an important component of knowledge for institutions and organizations responsible for spatial development policy at all levels of administration.
The paper presents and describes two examples of spatial analysis in GIS that concern protection and management of mineral resources in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. The first case focuses on analysis of spatial distribution of the production of rock mineral resources with the application of kernel density estimation. The second case concentrates on the analysis and preliminary evaluation of accessibility of undeveloped brown coal deposits in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship with the use of multi-criteria analysis. In the result, the spatial distribution of rock minerals mining and its change in time was determined, as well as accessibility of potential energy resources. Attention has been drawn to the role of reliable information in the effect of GIS-based studies for efficient regional spatial policy of the regional self-government.


spatial analysis; GIS; regional spatial planning; mineral resources

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