Problems of spatial data integration from various sources in mobile inland navigation system
The paper presents problems of spatial data integration. The input sources are Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (IENC), topographic data base BDOT10k, database of Vmap level 2 and publicly available data covered by open source project Open Street Map. The final effect to be achieved is multiresolution and multirepresentation database and suitable XML application scheme. Integration problems are caused mostly by inconsistence of geometry and attributes. The first one is mostly influenced by various compilation scales. Additionally, different methods of gathering data used caused that in many places data are not overlaying correctly. Inconsistence of attributes is in fact obvious, when using various data sources, however it is worth mentioning especially in case of OSM. In other sources attribute problems can be easily solved, as they are standardized, but OSM data have their own characteristics and they require manual correction .
The paper gives identification of problems with spatial data integration, but also includes practical approach to selected problems, based on real examples.
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