Proposal of a conceptual model of the Land Register data

Katarzyna Góźdź
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Wojciech Pachelski
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


The main objective of this paper is to present a conceptual model of land register data, drawn up in accordance with methodology of modeling geographic information described in ISO 19100 series of Geographic Information Standards.
The land register plays a crucial role in developing the national information infrastructure, because it enables to determine legal status of the property, understood as rights revealed in land books (pl. księgi wieczyste) such as: the right of ownership and perpetual usufruct, limited property rights as well as personal rights and claims. Land books are currently carried out by district courts in the IT-system called "NKW". Their content is stored in the Central Database of Land Register. "NKW" system allows to register each time the set of information concerning a single land book.
The proposed conceptual model of land register data specifies classes of objects, their features (attributes) and relations between them, with the usage of unified way for defining and describing objects in UML. It is recommended to complement the current structure of land register data with new attributes serving identification of objects and defining their life cycles.
The target use of object-oriented data model will contribute to elimination of redundant information and introduction of many improvements allowing to shorten the time of registering data, to automate the updating processes and the use of searching and analyzing services.
In the second part of the paper, analysis of the model of land register data in terms of its compliance with the LADM standard is carried out. A satisfactory level of conformity between models entitles to the statement that the proposed UML application scheme is correct from the point of view of its contents and it may constitute a basis for further developments, depending on the needs and expectations of users.


land register; conceptual modeling; UML; Land Administration Domain Model

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