Application of GIS technology in location of archaeological sites during field survey

Magdalena Bryk
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Poland (CAA PL)

Julia M. Chyla
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Poland (CAA PL)


The paper proposes a work flow before, during and after the archaeological field survey, with the use of mobile GIS technology, aimed at verifying the location of archaeological sites, documented in the 1980s and 1990s.
The first part characterized the field survey and of scientific and conservation assumptions of the program called the Polish Archeological Record, which became the basis for a national register of archaeological sites and the current source of spatial data acquisition. The text specified also circumstances needed to carry out verification research. Further part described the steps of the research process, carried out with the use of traditional methods and based on the analog records. Additionally, areas endangered by the risk of generating errors were highlighted.
The next part proposes workflow on the mobile devices with GIS, with a focus on the process of preparing materials for actions in the field - acquiring digital data from analogue maps. The text compares the possibilities and characteristics of GPS navigators, tablets and smartphones with Google applications and PDAs with GIS software as research tools for the verification of data obtained. Key features of selected devices and applications are summarized in the table.
The summary indicates the benefits of the new solutions during the field survey, significant changes in relation to traditional methods, and the postulate to take into account new technologies and adapt to them the collected information about the resources of the archaeological heritage in the national conservation offices.


mobile GIS; GPS; Archaeological Information System; „Archeologiczne Zdjecie Polski”; field survey

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