Developing the environmental database for lakes in Poland

Sebastian Kutyła
Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, Warsaw

Agnieszka Pasztaleniec
Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, Warsaw


Examination of water quality in Polish lakes is conducted within the state environmental monitoring by Voivodeship Inspectors of Environmental Protection. The analysis includes physical-chemical properties of water as well as water organisms groups (phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, fish). Based on the results of the lake monitoring program the ecological assessment status of lakes is evaluated according to the Framework Water Directive. Annually gathered data have to be verified in terms of their quality, then reliably stored and statistically as well as spatially analyzed. Environmental datasets for lakes contain many variables with different structure. Therefore, the monitoring database was designed in the Department of Water Assessment and Monitoring (IEP-NRI) to organize these information properly. Database software - MS Access 2007 and sofware ArcGIS 10.1 belonging to the family of Geographic Information Systems were used.
The environmental spatial database for Polish lakes comprises lakes surveyed since 2007. The data are grouped in thematic sections including: basic information about the lake (morphometry, the catchment characteristics, name of inspectorate, geographic location, voivodeship, basin, water region), results of fieldwork and laboratory analysis, assessment of ecological status based on different biological elements. All lakes described in the database are presented as mapped polygon layer on the national geodetic coordinate system 1992. The data are linked with the lakes using ESRI software. Depending on the user’s needs, multi-variant visualization of entered parameters is possible, considering different measurement periods. The database allows the user to visualize lakes in geographical space with selected attributes in a customized way. Unification and collection of environmental data for Polish lakes in one consistent database should improve our understanding of water quality changes. This will enable a more accurate assessment of the ecological status and facilitate the recognition of long-term trends.


environmental database; lakes; environmental monitoring; GIS

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