Gords of Chelmno-Dobrzyn Region in the light of geospatial analysis

Marcin Sobiech
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Faculty of Earth Sciences


In the paper, results of detailed analysis of morphometric parameters of selected gords (medieval Slavonic fortified settlements) and surrounding areas in Chelmno-Dobrzyn Region were presented. The purpose of the study was to indicate relationships between natural and anthropogenic elements of landform and the degree of change of natural relief in the gords localization. For the study, detailed digital terrain models of the gords and surrounding areas were used as well as remote sensing data and geological and geomorphological materials.
The studied gords are located in two tested areas - borderland Chełmno-Dobrzyń Region and Sasin Region in the east and Lower Vistula Valley in the west. The detailed studies covered six different places – five gords in the eastern area (Chojno, Grążawy, Księte, Nielbark, Pokrzydowo) and one in the western area (Kałdus). The studied objects were analyzed on the basis of selected morphometric parameters comparatively describing their geometry (area, length and breadth, volume, compactness ratio, elongation, equivalent radius of the circle, the average height).
The analysis of the gords studied showed that objects of small area are characterized by compact geometry and regularly shaped base usually close to a circle. Their geometrical shape is independent of local land relief. Gords of a larger area have low compactness ratio and irregular outline base; their spatial forms depend on the shape of the surface at the location. Morphometric features of the gods depend on their importance in the past – those with administrative functions depended to a greater degree on land relief than small gords serving as watch-towers.


gords; land relief; morphometry; geospatial analysis; GIS; Chelmno-Dobrzyn Region

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