Spatial data harmonization in the context of INSPIRE Directive on the example of Hydrographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:10 000

Jaromir Borzuchowski
MGGP SA, Krakow Branch

Michał Olszar
MGGP SA, Krakow Branch


The INSPIRE Directive establishes a framework for spatial information infrastructure (SDI) in the European Union and defines the main policy goals across the EU, among others in terms of public access to data. The Hydrographic Map of Poland at the 1:10 000 scale fits the guidelines and framework of the Directive, fulfilling Polish obligations under the theme Hydrography. This paper describes conditions for execution of the MPHP10 project in the context of consistency and compatibility of spatial data with the INSPIRE Directive. The data models of MPHP10 and INSPIRE have been analyzed, indicating major differences. The paper then describes the main stages of the process, starting from construction of models mapping both data structures and ending with data migration.


INSPIRE; harmonization; hydrography; MPHP; geoinformation

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