National Spatial Data Infrastructure as a Source of Data for River Basin Information System (RBIS)

Wojciech Drzewiecki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Tomasz Bergier
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Wolfgang Flügel
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena
School of Chemical and Earth Sciences
Department of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling

Manfred Fink
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena
School of Chemical and Earth Sciences
Department of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling

Björn Pfenning
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena
School of Chemical and Earth Sciences
Department of Geoinformatics, Hydrology and Modelling

Katarzyna Bernat
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering


In the paper, River Basin Information System (RBIS), developed by the University of Jena, is presented. It allows the user to manage, integrate, visualize, analyze and exchange different types of data (including spatial) from the level of an internet browser. It was designed as the integral entity, which can function independently, or as an element of Integrated Landscape Management System (ILMS) package. In the paper, the system architecture and functionality is described. Its role in the integrated river basin management is also discussed, and especially the benefits for users and their support in the holistic approach of environmental and landscape management. The main part of the article is devoted to characterize the availability and usefulness of data existing within Polish Spatial Data Infrastructure to build RBIS. Data sources and challenges connected with their implementation to RBIS are discussed in the case study of the Dobczyce reservoir, for which RBIS is developed within the framework of the Sustainable Land and Water Management of Reservoir Catchments (SaLMaR) project.


integrated land and water resources management; spatial data; River Basin Information System

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