A proposal of a geo-portal for spatio-temporal statistical data

Piotr Cichociński
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


The Local Data Bank (BDL) is an ordered set of information on socio-economic, demographic, social and environmental conditions covering entire Poland. This information applies to provinces, districts, municipalities, and statistical units (NTS). The data contained in BDL are available via the Internet and can be used free of charge to an unlimited extent. The purpose of this collection is to conduct multivariate statistical analysis, especially since it covers not only current but also archive data, which enables users to explore the variability of described phenomena. However, except providing statistical data, BDL website does not offer any tools for this purpose. Potential users must have their own geo-referenced data and be able to join them with downloaded tabular data.
Gradual implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and the Law on spatial information infrastructure makes it possible to solve this problem. In accordance with the provisions of the annexes to those legal acts the data on the administrative and statistical units should be developed and made available.
The paper presents the concept of a geo-portal, which would offer the possibility to geo-visualize BDL data and to carry out spatio-temporal analysis. Functionality required by the geo-portal was analyzed, including, among others, creation of maps for a selected time period, creation of graphs presenting temporal variability of selected phenomena in a given area and allowing examination of the relationship between the phenomena, selection of objects that meet the criteria concerning their position or attribute values. The way the data are shared by BDL was also examined and improvements that allow automating this task were suggested. Sample implementation of the geo-portal was also presented. Only free software was proposed to use, which should ultimately reduce the costs associated with acquiring and updating of suitable tools.


Local Data Bank; geo-visualization; dynamic map; Weave

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