Adjustment of thematic data from dendrological inventory to SII standards

Elżbieta Lewandowicz
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering

Mariusz Antolak
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture


Within the framework of dendrological inventory carried out in 2008 in the university town of Kortowo, 7568 objects were identified. Other users are also interested in the existing data sets, but traditional form of text elaboration and printed inventory sheets constitute a hardly useful educational and research material. Working digital sets in EXCEL calculation sheet or data in a CAD (AutoCAD) file contain contents which may be used for creation of spatial data sets in accordance with the SII requirements. This form of data arrangement is friendly for many users and should be an element in the construction of the information system about the university town.
Undertaking the task of adjusting the existing datasets of dendrological objects in accordance with the new trends in geomatics, the acquired datasets were assessed and a methodology of their transformation was proposed. It was assumed that elaboration of UML application pattern in the form of class diagrams of the objects in the dendrological data set should be the first element of these works. During the initial works, examples of UML diagrams were developed, describing selected elements of proposed data structure. They are presented in the paper. At the same time, stages of transforming and linking the data acquired from the EXCEL sheets and CAD file into classes of objects were presented. Implementation of the proposed methodology is difficult, because the CAD source data are not coherent and they require manual corrections after automatic transformation with the use of GIS instruments. It was assumed that in spite of difficulties the existing (already historical) data sets should be transformed into present standards, because they provide an interesting information.
The actions undertaken are in line with the Law on SII. They constitute a case study of such a transformation.


dendrological inventory; SII; transformation of data sets

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