Photogrammetric elaboration of forest stands destroyed by hurricane in Koszęcin Forest District

Bartłomiej Boncol
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Forestry
Laboratory of Geomatics

Piotr Wężyk
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Forestry
Laboratory of Geomatics


The aim of this elaboration was the photogrammetric assessment of the negative hurricane effects on the forest stand in the Koszęcin Forest District (Regional Directorate of Polish State Forest in Katowice). The hurricane, which happened on August 15th 2008, damaged aprox. 545 hectares of forest stands. This value was estimated based on the stereodigitizing of aerial photographs using 3D mapping techniques (SoftCopy station – DEPHOS). Other techniques led to less accurate results: vectorized aerial orthophotomap (so called “2D” method) about 63 ha less of damaged forest stands (-11.6%), photointerpretation of VHRS RapidEye orthophotomap (2D method) about 12 ha more (+2.2%) and traditional estimating methods – about 148 hectares more (+27.27%). The results of the 3D photogrammetric mapping method were considered as a reference to assess spatial distribution of damaged forest stands. The study was a successful demonstration of the capabilities of modern 3D- photogrammetric methods, and their superiority over the “standard” products used in forestry, such as aerial ortophotography, possible to use in case of a disaster (hurricane).


hurricane; digital photogrammetry; photointerpretation; DEPHOS

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