GIS tools for analysis of city morphology and metrology using the square grid method

Marta Nalej
Uniwersytet Łódzki

Łukasz Musiaka
Uniwersytet Łódzki


The main aim of the study was to present the possibility of using GIS (Geographic Information
System) tools for measurement analysis of urban spatial layouts, using the square grid method, on
the example of three medieval towns from the area of the former Teutonic Order (currently the
territory of Poland) (Musiaka, Nalej, 2021). Determination of measurement modules of town layout,
especially for a larger group of towns, was a very time-consuming task. New methods of spatial
analysis using GIS tools have helped in the implementation of this type of research. Using the Python
programming language, authors developed the HGIS Tools toolkit consisting of two tools: HGIS
Fishnet and HGIS Fishnet Rhombus. First tool is based on the CreateFishnet_management (...)
function of the ArcPy package and allows to precisely adjust the grid to the research area
determined on the basis of the city plan. The second tool uses the UpdateCursor (...) function and
allows to create a rhomboid grid. The obtained results confirmed that HGIS Tools allowed to
determine the hypothetical measurement module of the studied towns layouts. The results were
consistent with analysis conducted with the traditional square grid method and showed significant
potential of HGIS Tools in conducting morphometric analysis of urban spatial systems on a larger


HGIS, historical GIS, urban morphology, fishnet, GIS tools

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