Spatial analysis of toponyms referring to ‘evil spirits’ from the database of the Register of Geographical Names

Iwona Jażdżewska
ORCID: 0000-0002-4554-7486

University of Łodz

Karol Pabijan
University of Lodz


In Polish, there are many synonyms describing “evil spirits”, which in common language and many parables are haunting in various forms. They include such names as: diabeł, czart, strzyga, wampir or wilkołak. It may be interesting to look for answers to questions: Where do such names exist in Poland? What geographical objects do they describe? Is it possible to notice any regularity in the occurrence of names in relation to such classes of objects as: town, terrain, flowing water, standing water, other physiographic objects and their subclasses? Is there a regionalisation of these names in Poland? Toponyms can be obtained from maps and analogue plans, as well as from contemporary databases and information available on various types of web portals. In order to find answers to the these questions, a database obtained from the State Register of Geographical Names was used, which was searched using SQL language for names containing words that are synonymous with “evil spirit”. As a result of the research, maps were prepared for: the distribution of toponyms defining “evil spirits” in Poland, as well as density maps with division into classes of objects such as: terrain, other physiographic objects, water objects and place names. Spatial visualisation of data and statistical analysis made it possible to obtain answers to the initial questions.

Received: 13.11.2019 Accepted: 28.03.2020 Published: 31.03.2020


regionalization; spatial analysis; geovisualization

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