GIS technology in green and blue infrastructure analysis

Joanna Pluto-Kossakowska
ORCID: 0000-0002-6533-1332

Warsaw University of Technology

Weronika Tulkowska
ORCID: 0000-0003-0171-1077


Monika Władyka
ORCID: 0000-0002-3489-9099



The main purpose of this research was to examine the possibilities of green and blue infrastructure analysis using GIS technology. As part of the research there were developed: the structure of universal spatial database, the method of supplying it with the new data and GIS analytical tools applicable in the urban areas characterized by high-density building development as well as in the suburban agricultural areas. As the research areas: Śródmieście district of Łódź city and Brwinów commune were used. The concept of above-mentioned database with the use of UML class diagram was presented and its implementation in the ArcGIS geodatabase, supplied with the BDOT10k (Polish Topographic Database) data was more thoroughly described. The vital experimental research part was conducting spatial analyses concerning the functions of green and blue infrastructure and spatial distribution of its elements in order to improve the evaluation of the whole infrastructure. The choice of criteria used to evaluate social, recreational, healthcare, economical and economic functions as well as biodiversity conservation were presented. GIS tools were used for analytical process automation and implemented in ArcGIS ModelBuilder application.

Received: 19.11.2019 Accepted: 13.02.2020 Published: 31.03.2020


spatial analysis; spatial database; BDOT10k

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