Where and what monuments can be found in Lodz? Comparison of databases with Lodz monuments

Angelika Jasion
ORCID: 0000-0003-1632-2613

University of Lodz


In Łódź one can find many monuments related to the history of the city and Poland, most of which refer to the period of industrial Łódź - statues of nineteenth-century manufacturers or other famous Poles. A large number of monuments are associated with the period of World War II and its victims, as well as those killed in other periods, including communism. Equal importance is attached to monuments related to the cinematic symbols of Łódź, as well as those created as part of the "Łódź Bajkowa" project, which commemorates the Łódź film company Se-Ma-For. Monuments located in the city should also be included in constantly updated databases and lists. Findings of the analysis of several of these show that there is no one coherent database which would contain all monuments in Lodz and would be constantly updated. While many monuments are not included in any official list, most of those which have been classified are presented only with basic information about the name of the monument. Sources: Topographic Databases (BDOT10k and BDOT500), OpenStreetMap, a register from Wikipedia and a list from the City of Lodz Office. Field investigation data was also used to comprehensively evaluate and compare various data sources. In addition, an attempt was made to analyze the usefulness of selected data, the correctness of their location and the information contained therein.

Received: 05.12.2019 Accepted: 28.03.2020 Published: 31.03.2020


cultural heritage; Geographical Information Systems (GIS); visualization

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