The concept of the geoinformatic steering system (GSS)

Andrew Targowski
ORCID: 0000-0002-8908-7696

Western Michigan University
United States


The study synthesizes a comprehensive approach to the Geoinformatic System for Civilization, in particular at global and national levels because the climate has no boundaries. The consideration begins with a reminder of two approaches in designing information systems; bottom-up and top-down. The first approach leads to information islands and the second is appropriate for geoinformatics. The Death Triangle of Civilizations was formed with three bombs; population, ecological and the depletion of strategic resources. Considerations are also given in relation to the number of spaces (D) in which the Geoinformatics Guidance System can be considered.

Received: 19.11.2019 Accepted: 28.12.2019 Published: 30.12.2019


geoinformatics; environment; climate; civilization; Death Triangle of Civilizations; geoinformatic management system

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