Methodology of selection agricultural parcels determinants for the purpose of land values map elaboration for rural areas

Monika Maleta
ORCID: 0000-0003-2567-5971

Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture

Beata Całka
ORCID: 0000-0002-7147-0849

Military University of Technology


Many different characteristics affect the land prices. This work attempts to analyse the characteristics of agricultural parcels, which significantly affect the variability of agricultural land prices. The selection of variation characteristics plays an important role during agricultural land values map elaboration. The article presents the methodology of selection land parcel characteristics, rules for the selection of factors and possibility of automaticacquisitionofdata in mass valuation process. The proposed methodology used the substantive andstatistical analysis of data. The novelty of the research relays on determination of non-linear influence of parcel characteristics on variation of agricultural land values based on the correlation ratio. The research was conducted for the undeveloped agricultural lands. The study area was the rural municipality Krotoszyce, located in south-west Poland.


land parcel characteristics; agricultural lands; value map

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