Using the multivariate comparative analysis to determine the agricultural parcel’s location

Monika Maleta
Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture


The paper defines a synthetic, quantitative factor as a measure of spatial location of a parcel. To determine the factor the multivariate comparative analysis (MVA) was used. The location factor was determined on an original formula based on weighting of parceldistance to the selected places or objects. So determined factor enabled to the objective describe on of the location of the parcel and replaced the analysed location characteristics with one-variable. In this paper there was also proposed the use elaborated of synthetic measure as a similarity measure in the grouping of the parcels. To do this, spatial statistics methods was applied, based on the phenomenon of spatial autocorrelation. On the basis of designated global and the local Moran statistics, clusters of similar properties in terms of location have been identified. These so localized spatial clusters can have multiple application. They could be used for a variety of purposes realized in the municipality, where the distance to specific places is very important. The research was conducted for the vacant agricultural real estates. The researched area was the rural municipality called Krotoszyce, located in South-Western Poland.

Received: 20.04.2019 Accepted: 13.06.2019 Published: 28.06.2019


location factor; location characteristics; agricultural lands; parcel

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