
Authors Guidelines

In the process of publishing, all parties involved, including authors, editors and peer-reviewers, should apply the standards of expected ethical behavior, see:

In order to achieve the long term preservation of the published digital materials, their copies are safely stored. The printed versions are delivered to the most important libraries in the country.

1. Submitting an article

The submission of a paper for is done with the use of the submission system:

Submit your paper

Paper types:

POL-index 2015 - Classification of papers

Word template: TEMPLATE_AG.docx

2. Initial qualification

The submitted application is considered by the Editorial Board, and the author is notified about the result with an e-mail. The article initially qualified to be printed receives an ID (the structure is as follows: RG-year-number), which should be used in further correspondence and used as the first part of the names of submitted files.

3. Developing an article

Articles are published in English or Polish with titles, keywords and abstracts in both languages. If requested, the titles, keywords and abstracts of the articles submitted and delivered only in English can be translated into Polish by the editorial staff free of charge.

Original research articles should include the following sections: introduction, material and methodology, results and discussion, summary, conclusions, acknowledgments, funding details, literature, i.e. the bibliographic list of cited publications. It is important to quote relevant publications, which will confirm knowledge of the subject matter by the author and will contribute to sharing the contribution of their predecessors. In particular we recommend to use and cite the materials previously published in the Annals of Geomatics.

The article should be prepared in accordance with the publishing requirements set forth below.

  • A4 format, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing;
  • recommended text volume: 1200 – 2400 words including abstracts in Polish and English of some 200 words each; with figures, tables, literature and abstracts – a total of 13 numbered pages;
    • font size – 11 with the exception of the article title and chapters title – 14 bold, and sections titles – 12 bold;
    • text layout:

–   the title of the article in Polish and English – centered;

–   keywords in Polish and English – from the left; the keywords are used to determine most concisely the subject matter of the article, they should facilitate the classification of the content and searching for it in the Internet, among others; it is recommended to provide a few terms from the article as the keywords: basically one or two words, widely used in this particular field; they should not be a repetition of the title;

–   titles of chapters and first level sections – centered; second level sections – to the left;

–   text of the article without figures;

–   references in the text to all figures and tables; titles of tables in front of the tables; captions at the end of the text or in the location specified for the drawings;

–   references to cited entries of the list of literature as follows: (name of the author, year);

–   after the References, the list of domestic and foreign literature in alphabetical order of the authors, for each position: full names of the authors, year, title, for positions in Polish – title in Engish, publisher (city, name) or name of the journal specifying its issue number; page numbers from-to; use italics only for the title of the journal;

–   abstract in Polish and English containing in particular the purpose of the study, methodology, short description of obtained results and conclusions; style suitable for translation: clear, without unnecessarily long sentences, without terms which could be difficult to find English equivalents;

–   colour figures only when necessary;

–   file formats – .doc, .docx .rtf or odt  files;

–   multi-tone figures (e.g. pictures, maps) in separate .jpg, .cdr, .tif or .png files, 300 dpi resolution or higher; one-tone figures (diagrams, charts) made in Excel or Word  (or in OpenOffice equivalents) in source files, in Word in grayscale only; maximum size with caption 13x19 cm; the legible font size 8-9 points, colour figures only when necessary;

–   tables made in Excel or Word in source files, in Word (or in OpenOffice equivalents) in grayscale only; minimum font size 9 points; maximum size with caption 13x19 cm; larger tables divided into separate pages or prepared for simple division.

4.  Taking into account the review comments

The full text of the article together with pictures (in the text and separately) tables and abstracts shall be sent to the Editorial Board within the time set out by the Board. The article shall be a subject to review by two independent reviewers in a double-anonymous mode. Based on the reviews, the Editorial Board decides on the publication of the article, and informs the author of the submission about the publication. Positive decision generally involves providing the review comments and recommendation about introducing relevant changes to the article.

After careful consideration of these comments and making changes the article in the final version is sent to the Editorial Board.

Ethical standards

In the process of publishing, all parties involved, including publisher, authors, editors and peer-reviewers, should apply the COPE standards of expected ethical behavior, see:

Authors Responbilities:

  • confirm that all the work in the submitted manuscript is original
  • acknowledge and cite content reproduced from other sources
  • obtain permission to reproduce any content from other sources
  • declare any potential conflict of interest.

Detailed information for Authors see ->

Reviewers Responsibilities:

  • be objective and constructive in their reviews and provide feedback that will help the authors to improve their manuscript
  • keep all manuscript and review details confidential
  • to alert the editor to any published or submitted content that is substantially similar to that under review

Detailed information for peer reviewers see ->

Editors Responsibilities:

  • ensure that material to be published is accurate and valid
  • select unbiased reviewers
  • provide the assurance that material will be selected for publication based solely on the scientific quality of the material

Detailed information for editors see

In order to prevent cases of scientific misconduct the Editorial Board has procedures in place to deal with cases of “Ghost-writing”, “Guest Authorship”, “Plagiarism” and “Self-plagiarism”.

Ghost-writing: A situation where someone makes a substantial contribution to a publication without revealing his or her participation as one of the authors or without being mentioned in the acknowledgments attached to the publication. Guest Authorship or Honorary Authorship: A situation where one or more authors are cited as making a significant contribution to a work were as in reality the contribution is insignificant.

Plagiarism: The act of using someone else’s work as one’s own without acknowledging the source of that work.

Self-plagiarism: The act of using your own earlier published work without acknowledging the source of that work.

Publisher’s Confirmation

In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism the publisher, in close collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum or, in the most severe cases, the complete retraction of the affected work.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in PDF, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Copyright Notice

Annals of Geomatics is a print journal available also in its electronic version as an open access journal under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 Unported. It requires users of the published materials to attribute the authors and the Polish Association for Spatial Information as owners of the rights to these materials. The details of the relevant license conditions are available on the Creative Commons website

This license is valid for the materials published since the beginning of 2014.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

In order to achieve the long term preservation of the published digital materials, their copies are safely stored. The printed versions are delivered to the most important libraries in the country.