Peer Review Process

  1. Two independent reviewers from outside the research unit affiliated by the author of the publication are appointed to assess each publication.
  2. The author or authors of publications and reviewers do not know their identity (double-blind review process).
  3. The written review contains a clear conclusion of the reviewer related to the conditions for accepting the scientific article for publication or rejecting it.
  4. Criteria for accepting or rejecting publications have been set out in the attached review form.

    The review of an article submitted for publishing in the Annals of Geomatics ↓

    POL-index 2015 - Classification of papers

  5. The names of the reviewers of individual publications and issues of the scientific journal are not disclosed.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.