Harmonization of conceptual models of the reference databases BDOT10k and BDOT500 considering data exchange

Joanna Bac-Bronowicz
Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology

Andrzej Głażewski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Piotr Liberadzki
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Izabela Wilczyńska
Wroclaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology


The main goal of the project was to analyse relations between conceptual models of two reference databases: BDOT10k and BDOT500. The second one (BDOT500) is modeling objects of detailed (master) map according to geodetic accuracy, whereas the model of the first database (BDOT10k) contains typical topographic features. In theory the more semantically and geometrically detailed model (BDOT500) should be used as a data source. Our studies revealed that there is a wide spectrum of differences between these two conceptual models, causing several problems in the field of data exchange. Some of features of BDOT10k have no corresponding objects in the more detailed database (LoD 1:500); such lacks cannot always be explained by differences in conceptual and semantic generalization of the models. Topographic data acquisition provided at two separate levels of detail is leading to the general problem: which model (and data) can be approved as a reference, trustworthy, and it is still causing the increasing costs. In the field of harmonization of these two models we have considered several problems and proposed the possible solutions as well. There is a chance of approaching these two conceptual models now, developing the initiative of building the topographic MRDB (indicating the harmonized models of BDOT500 and BDOT10k at first).


reference databases; harmonization of spatial data; SDI; conceptual model of BDOT10k

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