Application of spatial system analysis for recognition and characterisation of arable soil properties in view of soil drainage in Poland

Janusz Ostrowski
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Falenty


The content of the paper aims at presentation of possible ways used to create the system solutions which support answering to questions, resulting from practical needs. Those issues are discussed using the example of water melioration issues.
For that purpose the Institute of Agrophysics of Polish Academy of Science (IA PAS) in Lublin and the Institute for Land Reclamation and Grassland Farming (IMUZ) in Falenty have developed the system of research works and presentation of results, which consists of three compatible components:
1. Development of the general idea, collection of research material and geoodata preparation,
2. Development of the method of laboratory tests in order to determine parameters required for model calculations, which identify analysed phenomena,
3. Development of an IT system, which combines unit (attribute) data processing with geodata and generates resulting maps.
Implementation of works, has been presented using the example of improving the scientific estimation of drainage needs of arable soils in Poland. For that purpose, soil samples were collected for 1000 representative profiles of arable soils. Required analyses of those soil samples were performed, values of parameters were calculated for the needs of unit evaluation of soils. The soil-and-cartographic database was developed together with the digital map of soils and computer software, which aggregates soils according to valorisation models and which generates the final resulting maps.


agricultural data bases; computer soil cartography; soil data processing; needs of soils drainage; soils aeration

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