Aggregate function in spatial multicriteria analysis of natural processes

Joanna Jaroszewicz
ORCID: 0000-0002-6112-5240
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Spatial Management and Environmental Science

Katarzyna Rędzińska
ORCID: 0000-0001-8621-0073
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Spatial Management and Environmental Science


Planning decisions should be based on analyses of natural conditions performed as eco-physiographic studies. The key step in the transparent analysis is the synthesis of results, allowing the transition from data analysis to formulation of conclusions. When using multi-criteria analyses, this stage is related to the selection of the proper aggregation function. The most commonly used approach is a linear weighted sum. However, the use of an additive aggregation function is not always appropriate. It does not allow taking into account the interaction between criteria. The paper discusses the properties of selected aggregation functions. The multi-criteria analysis of possibilities of the rainwater infiltration into the ground was developed. Research works have been carried out in the area of the city of Starachowice. The results confirmed theoretical considerations. The use of an aggregate function that considers interactions between criteria provided more reliable results than the use of a linear weighted sum.

Received 31.01.2019 Accepted 14.03.2019 Published 30.03.2019


eco-physiographic study; rainwater infiltration; averaging function; compensation of criteria; interaction; GIS

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