Finding the optimal locations of bike stations in Piaseczno city using spatial analysis

Monika Mitrowska
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Anna Fijałkowska
ORCID 0000-0002-0567-9863
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Jerzy Chmiel
ORCID 0000-0003-4656-4904
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


The paper presents the stages of work and the results of spatial analyses, aiming at indicating optimal locations of a city bike stations in the area of the city of Piaseczno. Based on properly selected input data along with designed and conducted spatial analyses (suitability mapping type), the usefulness of the area of the city of Piaseczno for the location of bicycle stations was obtained. Significant stages of the analysis leading to selection of the best locations were also conducted using network analyses. Furthermore, the paper highlights the proper selection of data for such type of analyses, as well as methodological considerations regarding the key stages of works and particular analyses. The obtained results indicate the high usefulness of the proposed methods for the discussed application area.

Received 7.05.2018 Accepted 31.08.2018 Published 15.11.2018


multi-criteria analysis; network analysis; urban bike; spatial planning

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