Analysis of main problems of integration of district WMS services concerning cadastral data

Waldemar Izdebski
ORCID 0000-0003-3087-9936
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography


Cadastral parcels are the basic reference data for presentation of various objects stored in spatial databases. Those data are distributed in 380 district bases; over 85% of them are available through the WMS view services. In 2017 the aggregating service was created – Krajowa Integracja Ewidencji Gruntów (KIEG)(The National Integration of Land Register), based on existing district services. The paper describes differences between component services – both in terms of data presentation forms and technical implementation, and presents the problems that were encountered during creation of the aggregating service and adding new services.

Received 5.08.2018 Accepted 8.10.2018 Published 15.11.2018


Web services; WMS; spatial data infrastructure; land and buildings register

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