The concept of a multifunctional spatial information system supporting the management and the use of real estate at the Warsaw University of Technology

Dariusz Gotlib
ORCID 0000-0001-7532-4497
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography

Miłosz Gnat
ORCID 0000-0002-4279-2013
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


At present, the effective management of big real estates of significant spatial distribution requires support from modern IT solutions. Demands of real estate users are also growing, for example in the field of ensuring security and movements inside large objects, such as university campuses, commercial or transport centres. In order to meet those demands the access to different spatial data is required; they include cadastral maps, base maps, spatial arrangement plans, 3D models of buildings and maps of interiors of buildings. Currently available technologies and GIS related concepts allows for significant improvements of many processes related with the use and management of real estates. Therefore an attempt was undertaken at the Warsaw University of Technology aiming at development of a concept and then a prototype of a multifunctional information system concerning real estates of this University .
The paper presents basic conceptual assumptions of the system and discusses selected features of the prototype system. The key role is played in that system by the original, integrated data model which uses elements of the CityGML, EGiB and IndoorGML models, amended by additional elements proposed by the authors. The system uses both, data from geodetic and cartographic resources, as well as dedicated models of interiors of selected buildings. Functionality of the system has been divided into the following components: the management module, the security module and the information module. Among others, they perform such tasks as: support for inventory of real estates, reporting to the POLON system, archiving and automated access to building, cartographic and geodetic documentation, support for leasing real estates for internal and external purposes, support for the academic guards and emergency services, finding facilities and spatial orientation, including navigation. The concept assumes integration with several systems, such as: the ERP system, the system of booking rooms, the USOS system. Considering the solution complexity, multi-functionality and integration of data sources and systems the discussed solution is the first solution of this type in Poland.

Received 15.05.2018 Accepted 15.09.2018 Published 15.11.2018


spatial information system; real estate management; GIS; spatial database; web application

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