Techniques of geomatics in inventory of advertising boards and equipment

Milena Ezman
ORCID 0000-0002-6456-9402
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Geomatics

Dariusz Korpetta
ORCID 0000-0002-6958-4839
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Geomatics


Geomatics techniques and technologies constitute a modern approach in many areas of life, most of all in the urban space planning sphere. They improve and facilitate management of space, maintaining the spatial arrangement and sustainable development of the area at the same time, being the urban planning superior goals. Geomatics technologies enabled inventory of advertising boards and equipment for a selected fragment of Płock as well as implementation of spatial dependence analyses. Obtained results, when compared with the existing legal regulations, have shown that Płock is struggling with the problem of advertising chaos. Analyses of locations of outdoor advertisements prove that the visual stressfulness, resulting from overload of advertisements, negatively influences the human health and affects the traffic safety in the urban public space. Local government authorities are not able to plan urban sustainable development in the optimal way without systems supporting this process. For this reason, on an ever-wider scale, spatial information systems are being implemented, which not only improve the entire advanced process, but also allow to increase work efficiency.

Received 05.06.2018 Accepted 11.09.2018 Published 15.11.2018


outdoor advertising; visual overload; geomatics; inventory of advertising boards and equipment

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